Who are we ? 

André Boulanger – Director

« Music in the hospital: just a moment of shared happiness ! »

After studying law and political science, André Boulanger learned to play the cello at the École Normale de Musique de Paris. Alongside a long career in finance, André developed a passion for chamber music. Convinced of the exceptional benefits of music and other forms of artistic expression on hospitalized people, he regularly plays the cello, alone or accompanied by other musicians, to children in the intensive care unit of a major Parisian hospital. Today, he is involved with the Hop We Care team to develop multiple projects for patients, their families and caregivers.

Stéphane Rumpler


« Art, well-being & culture at the core of care. »

Elisabeth dive

President & Founder

« To live the daily life of hospital differently, through art and culture. »

Marie-Paule Kersual

Board Secretary

« Putting people, art and culture back at the core of relationships. »

André Boulanger

« Music in the hospital: just a moment of shared happiness ! »

Armelle Pasco

« Making culture accessible to as many as possible. »

Corinne Fénéon

« Art and sharing dedicated to the well-being in hospitals. »

Corinne Moreau

« I decided to be happy because it is good for my health. » – Voltaire

Pascale Moreau

”Because there’s nothing like beauty and kindness towards others until the end of life…”.

Franck Rousseau

“Music in the hospital, a bubble of happiness and lightness.”