Who are we ? 

Armelle Pasco - Director

« Making culture accessible to as many as possible. »

Armelle Pasco’s experience in disability patronage, and in the dissemination of culture and knowledge to all audiences, together with her firm belief in the positive effects of connecting to art in all its forms, allows her to contribute, through her knowledge of the cultural world and digital technologies, to this wonderful desire of bringing culture to everyone, including those who cannot travel or are hospitalized. Sensitive to the challenges of shared access to culture, she has translated her commitment into media projects and knowledge dissemination for many cultural institutions, with a renewed commitment to Hop We Care to make culture accessible all.

Stéphane Rumpler


« Art, well-being & culture at the core of care. »

Elisabeth dive

President & Founder

« To live the daily life of hospital differently, through art and culture. »

Marie-Paule Kersual

Board Secretary

« Putting people, art and culture back at the core of relationships. »

André Boulanger

« Music in the hospital: just a moment of shared happiness ! »

Armelle Pasco

« Making culture accessible to as many as possible. »

Corinne Fénéon

« Art and sharing dedicated to the well-being in hospitals. »

Corinne Moreau

« I decided to be happy because it is good for my health. » – Voltaire

Pacale Moreau

”Because there’s nothing like beauty and kindness towards others until the end of life…”.

Franck Rousseau

“Music in the hospital, a bubble of happiness and lightness.”