Who are we ? 

Together with our beneficiaries, our sponsors and our partners we make hospitals a better place through art and culture!

Hop We Care is an endowment fund recognized in France as being in the general interest, which supports philanthropic, cultural, artistic, humanitarian, scientific, social, environmental, or educational initiatives.

Managed by a Board of Directors in charge of strategy and its implementation, via initiatives aimed at hospital patients and caregivers, in harmony with the values of Hop We Care and its partners, as defined in the Ethics Charter.

A governance based on ambitious ethical standards which govern the missions and actions of Hop We Care, in accordance with ethical and legal sponsorship rules and based on articles of incorporation which set out its activities guidelines, consistent with its purpose, its means and its relations with beneficiaries, sponsors and partners.

An annual activity report with a transparent, global and detailed vision of our annual activities and of the use of contributions, with financial accounts audited and certified by an independent auditor. 

Sustainable partnerships with trusting beneficiaries and sponsors, and with artists and health professionals who work with us towards the development of wellness, artistic and cultural programs and contribute to better living in hospitals in France and abroad!






To offer those who are unable to travel exceptional moments through art and culture, positive emotions to be shared with artists, their loved ones and the nursing staff.


Share the passion of an artist, a place, a work of art, an author, to offer an inspiring artistic interlude for patients, their families and caregivers.


Innovate with digital techniques to impact the greatest number of people with the creation of quality collaborative spaces at the core of hospitals to harmonize relations between patients, their families and caregivers for a new look at the hospital.


Putting ART, WELL-BEING and CULTURE back at the core of dealings in hospitals to soften the care process and interact "differently";


A Board of Directors consisting of a team enlisted and committed to making medical institutions a better place!

Our lives have crossed and we have pooled our expertise to create Hop We Care. We wish to act together and enlist many others to make hospitals a better place! We are driven by a common vision to develop an innovating, supportive and meaningful proposal for hospitals, with the support of our partners and with talented artists at our side.

A united commitment to provide, through art, genuine inspiring interludes at the core of hospitals!

Stéphane Rumpler


« Art, well-being & culture at the core of care. »

Elisabeth dive

President & Founder

« To live the daily life of hospital differently, through art and culture. »

Marie-Paule Kersual

Board Secretary

« Putting people, art and culture back at the core of relationships. »

André Boulanger

« Music in the hospital: just a moment of shared happiness ! »

Armelle Pasco

« Making culture accessible to as many as possible. »

Corinne Fénéon

« Art and sharing dedicated to the well-being in hospitals. »

Corinne Moreau

« I decided to be happy because it is good for my health. » – Voltaire

Pascale Moreau

”Because there’s nothing like beauty and kindness towards others until the end of life…”.

Franck Rousseau

“Music in the hospital, a bubble of happiness and lightness. “